Unavowed Let's You Unravel The Past on Nintendo Switch

Unavowed has hit the Nintendo Switch. Is this adventure game a good fit for the console? Read our port report to find out.

Published: July 26, 2021 11:00 AM /

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techraptor unavowed switch

Originally released for PC in 2018, Wadjet Eye Games’ Unavowed was the most ambitious project the developers have taken on yet. With a system of choose-your-own backstory for the protagonist, multiple ways to solve every area, and several endings, it was a shakeup that brought a breath of fresh air to a genre that can, unfortunately, be quick to fall into patterns. And now, you can take it on the go!

As a point and click game, I was apprehensive of how Unavowed would translate to the Switch, particularly after having played ports of other adventure games that made their way over less than smoothly. However, I was pleasantly surprised. You can play in either docked or handheld modes and use a controller or the touchscreen or switch between the two seamlessly.

techraptor unavowed switch
I'll take "Famous Last Words You Want to Shout On A Rooftop In A Storm With A Lightning Rod" for 200, please.

Controls are laid out clearly when the game boots up and is available for review, but it’s also very intuitive. You would think the simplest way to adapt would be to use the thumbstick and the A button instead of a mouse and that’s exactly correct. Object descriptions automatically pop up at the top of the screen when you hover the cursor over an item and the inventory bar is tucked away up top until you hover or tap the top area of the screen.

Graphics scale both down and up beautifully, looking crisp and clean handheld or docked, showing off the fantastic pixel artwork that gives the game an almost painted feel at times, with intricate levels of detail and smooth animations throughout. Text is legible and easy to read in both modes, which is a personal pet peeve of mine.

techraptor unavowed switch
As real as anything else around here, bub

As for the game itself, it’s still fantastic. Not that I would expect it to not hold up just three years later, but I’m reminded of why it is my favorite adventure game, from any company. The characters are complex and diverse, they’re interesting people to be around and interact with. The plot is beautiful and multi-layered, always throwing a new mystery or twist your way when you think you have everything figured out. Voice acting and music are both top-notch, with a great ensemble cast including Frank Todaro, Sandra Espinoza, and SungWon Cho.

Briefly, Unavowed follows you, a human who has just been released after a year of demonic possession. Wanted by the police for a variety of violent and stomach-churning crimes, your only option is to join the Unavowed, magical defenders who protect the earth from supernatural and otherworldly threats. As you journey through the game you unravel your demon’s past and uncover deeper and darker secrets about the world, learning what’s at stake if you can’t stop the magical mayhem.

techraptor unavowed switch

One of the most unique things about the game is how much choice it gives the player. By allowing you to mix and match your backstory and characters that you take with you on missions, or the order you do missions in, you’re able to play the game several times and several different ways. Of course, choices you make in-game also affect what happens and there are multiple endings you can reach as well, a refreshing change for the genre.

With a great plot and characters, sensible controls, and great graphics scaling, this Switch port works to give players an experience just as good as the original on PC. If you haven’t yet played Unavowed, you’re missing out, and the Switch port is the perfect time to pick up this fantastic gem of a game.

TechRaptor played Unavowed on Nintendo Switch with a copy provided by the developer. The game is also available on PC.

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| Former Staff Writer

Courtney Ehrenholfer is an aspiring novelist and screenwriter, and current journalist who greatly enjoys video games, especially those of the point and… More about Courtney

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Unavowed
Game Page Unavowed
Wadjet Eye Games
Wadjet Eye Games
Release Date
August 8, 2018 (Calendar)
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