Agony Sells Well for Developer Madmind, New Patch Details for Console Version

Published: March 29, 2019 7:19 PM /


agony game

Agony, that hellish broken title that was appropriately named and released last year, has apparently done well enough for indie developer Madmind Studio.

According to Madmind, the console versions of Agony and the PC exclusive Agony Unrated was able to net 160,000 units sold since their release last year. That breakdown is roughly 100,000 for the PC version, and 60,000 for the console versions. The number may even be higher, as console data has been delayed.

Though an extremely low number in the grand scheme of things, for a game that stirred up controversy for the indie studio, that is fairly impressive overall. For Madmind, it has helped in recouping any debts the studio has with Agony, allowing them to continue supporting the game along with two announced projects, the simply titled games Succubus (a spin-off of Agony) and the already revealed Paranoid.

In addition to this announcement, Madmind also detailed a brand new patch for the console versions of the game, effectively adding as much from the Unrated version as possible to the console versions. Madmind begrudgingly points out that console versions of Agony will remain censored, however, but multiple features will be ported in.

Some of the key additions in this new patch will be graphical improvements such as volumetric lighting, texture upgrades and improved in game models, which were a source of ire when the game was originally released. Several game modes will also be unlocked from the start, and the patch also adds an eighth additional ending and the added Forest environment from the unrated version plus new boss battles. New features include new puzzles, a hard mode for the game, and a new song to the game's soundtrack.

The patch is already live for the PlayStation 4 version of the game, with the Xbox One version currently in review through the Microsoft Certification Process.

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A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Agony
Game Page Agony
Madmind Studio
PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
May 29, 2018 (Calendar)
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